Firm News
Tucker Ellis Sponsors NSMBA 8th Annual Law Student Summit for Success
September 11, 2023

Firm News
Tucker Ellis Sponsors NSMBA 8th Annual Law Student Summit for Success
September 11, 2023
On September 9, the Tucker Ellis Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee sponsored the Norman S. Minor Bar Association’s (NSMBA) 8th Annual Law Student Summit for Success. Tucker Ellis has proudly sponsored all of NSMBA’s annual summits since the inaugural program in 2016.
Open to all Northeast Ohio law students, the summit featured four panel discussions with legal professionals who shared their knowledge, experiences, and wisdom on how best to navigate law school and prepare for a career in law. The sessions – “Academic Success,” “Mentors vs. Sponsors,” “Exploring Legal Careers,” and a new bonus session for upper level students, “MPRE, Bar Prep, and Licensing Requirements” – were designed to help Black and minority law students navigate the muddy waters of law school and the legal profession.
Contributing to the success of the well-attended event were Scott Hamilton and Ludgy LaRochelle, who coordinated the Summit; panelists Bradley Dennis, Bakita Hill, and Spencer Krebs; and DeAngelo LaVette, who served as both a moderator and panelist.