Firm News
Tucker Ellis Commits to 2023–2024 Mansfield Rule Legal Diversity Pledge
August 8, 2023

Firm News
Tucker Ellis Commits to 2023–2024 Mansfield Rule Legal Diversity Pledge
August 8, 2023
Tucker Ellis LLP is pleased to join 340+ U.S. and Canadian law firms, 20+ UK law firms, and 75+ legal departments in participating in the 2023–2024 Mansfield Rule, an annual certification process administered by Diversity Lab that aims to boost and sustain inclusivity and diversity in law firm leadership.
The firm has participated in the Mansfield Rule since 2020 and earned the highest level of certification, Mansfield Certification Plus, in both iterations for which results have been announced: Mansfield Rule 4.0 and Mansfield Rule 5.0.
According to Diversity Lab, the goal of Mansfield is to boost and sustain inclusivity and diversity in leadership by tracking data related to the advancement of underrepresented lawyers at participating law firms; requiring firms to internally publish the criteria and processes for advancement to leadership; monitoring the distribution of career development and advancement opportunities through Mansfield Client Forums and other means; and sharing knowledge to help firms work together, learn together, and succeed together as a community.
Welcoming all opportunities to help steer the legal industry toward a more equitable future, Tucker Ellis is proud to participate in the 2023–2024 Mansfield certification process.
“Year after year, the Mansfield Rule’s increasingly rigorous standards help drive real, substantive, and measurable change in our industry,” said Joe Morford, Tucker Ellis Managing Partner. “We’re proud to continue our partnership with Diversity Lab in building a more diverse and inclusive legal profession, and we commend all the new firms joining us in this critical effort.”