Firm News
Tucker Ellis Attorneys Discuss Womanhood and Lawyerhood on CMBA Podcast
January 9, 2023

Firm News
Tucker Ellis Attorneys Discuss Womanhood and Lawyerhood on CMBA Podcast
January 9, 2023
On January 8, Rita Maimbourg, Irene Keyse-Walker, and Tayler Gill were featured on the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association’s My BarStory podcast. In this episode, Tayler moderated a discussion on the intersections of womanhood and lawyerhood that focused on Rita’s and Irene’s careers, the adversities they faced as young female lawyers, and the support systems that helped them through those challenges to become successful attorneys. Rita and Irene also offered insight on the differences between now and then in terms of equity, diversity, and inclusion, as well as advice to young lawyers as they embark on their legal careers. Visit CMBA’s website here to listen in.