Find Me on Facebook: Authenticating Social Media Evidence
December 2015 - DRI's The Whisper

Find Me on Facebook: Authenticating Social Media Evidence
December 2015 - DRI's The Whisper
It’s 2015 and yes, plaintiffs still do it. They file product liability and personal injury lawsuits and then sit back and wait for the millions to roll in but they forget to do one thing…change the privacy settings on their Facebook and Instagram accounts. That’s where we come in. As the associates on the case, it’s usually our job to troll through a plaintiff’s social media accounts looking for juicy quotes (“I filed this totally frivolous lawsuit against Pharma Giant, Inc. and I can’t wait to get my huge settlement check!”) or compromising photographs (a picture of the “happily” married plaintiff with his new girlfriend).
Unfortunately, no special statutes have been drafted to deal specifically with authenticating social media evidence, and it can be an evidentiary landmine. Click here to read the article.