Firm News
Tony Petruzzi Serves as a Drafting Team Leader on The Sedona Conference’s Most Recent Commentary
February 17, 2022

Firm News
Tony Petruzzi Serves as a Drafting Team Leader on The Sedona Conference’s Most Recent Commentary
February 17, 2022
Congratulations to Tony Petruzzi and the other drafting team members and judicial advisors on the publication of The Sedona Conference’s “Commentary on the Need for Guidance and Uniformity in Filing ESI and Records Under Seal.” The intent of the Commentary is to streamline and standardize the process for sealing confidential documents and electronically stored information (ESI) in federal courts, and offers a Proposed Model Rule to aid in that process. Tony was a Drafting Team Leader on the Commentary, which is available for downloading at The Sedona Conference website here.