Speaking Engagements
Tucker Ellis Attorneys and Paralegals Speak at 2015 OSBA Convention
May 4, 2015

Speaking Engagements
Tucker Ellis Attorneys and Paralegals Speak at 2015 OSBA Convention
May 4, 2015
Irene MacDougall and Christine Snyder, along with paralegals Kathleen Mearns and Patricia Stauffer, presented at CLE seminars during the 2015 OSBA Convention, held on April 29-May 1 in Sandusky, Ohio. Irene discussed General Case Law and Other Updates for the Real Property Law Section. Christine and Kathleen’s presentation, “Toeing the Line Without Crossing It: Preventing UPL by Litigation Paralegals,” and Patricia’s presentation, “Are You Sure You Want Me to Do That? Avoiding UPL by Probate Paralegals,” addressed the Boundaries and Professional Conduct and the Effective Use of Paralegals.