Speaking Engagements
Joe Koncelik Discusses WOTUS Ongoing Controversy at 32nd Annual Conference on Air, RCRA & Water Permits
July 20, 2023

Speaking Engagements
Joe Koncelik Discusses WOTUS Ongoing Controversy at 32nd Annual Conference on Air, RCRA & Water Permits
July 20, 2023
On July 20, Joe Koncelik presented “Waters of the U.S.: Ongoing Controversy over the Limits of Federal Authority under the Clean Water Act” at the 32nd Annual Conference on Air, RCRA & Water Permits in Columbus, Ohio. Joe provided valuable information on the controversial subject of Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) and its potential for major effects on the regulated community. Joe also addressed the impact of U.S. Supreme Court decisions on the limits to USACE and USEPA’s authority over streams, rivers, wetlands, lakes, and ponds and provide a timely update from the U.S. Supreme Court decision in the Sackett v. EPA case.