Is There a Duty to Warn Even the Most Sophisticated User?
July 23, 2014 - American Bar Association, Section of Litigation, Products Liability

Is There a Duty to Warn Even the Most Sophisticated User?
July 23, 2014 - American Bar Association, Section of Litigation, Products Liability
The California Supreme Court is currently considering the case of Webb v. Special Electric Co., where two issues on appeal are related to the duty to warn. First is whether a supplier of a component part or raw or bulk material owes a duty to warn the purchaser of that component or material who is a sophisticated user of that part or material. Second is whether the supplier owes the ultimate user or consumer of the subsequently completed product a duty to warn of the potential dangers of the use of that finished product and, if so, whether the sale to the sophisticated user obviates the need or discharges the duty to make any such warning. Click here to read the article.