Corn, Justice Brandeis, Litigation Tourism and Dormant Commerce Clause Revisited
February 2018 - Drug & Device Law Blog

Corn, Justice Brandeis, Litigation Tourism and Dormant Commerce Clause Revisited
February 2018 - Drug & Device Law Blog
Bexis and Kevin Hara recently posted a 50-state survey on consent by registration statues – specifically, analyzing which states have concluded that Daimler AG v. Bauman’s due process holdings “trump” such consent statutes. See Dec 18, 2017 post. But besides due process, there is another argument to attack such statutes- the Dormant Commerce Clause. In Re Syngenta AG MIR 162 Corn Litigation, MDL No. 2591, 2016 WL 2866166, (D. Kan. May 17, 2016) (invalidating Kansas registration statute based on the Dormant Commerce Clause); see also my prior guest post, “Corn, Justice Brandeis, Litigation Tourism and the Dormant Commerce Clause.” (July 5, 2016).
There is now a comprehensive article discussing these issues and, within that context, assessing whether registration statutes are constitutional under the Dormant Clause: J. Preis, “The Dormant Commerce Clause as a Limit on Personal Jurisdiction,” 102 Iowa L. Rev. 121 (Nov. 2016). It is a must-read for those briefing the validity of consent statutes.
Read the blog post here.