California Becomes the First State to Require Energy Usage Disclosures by Commercial Property Owners
Summer 2011 - Shopping Center Legal Update

California Becomes the First State to Require Energy Usage Disclosures by Commercial Property Owners
Summer 2011 - Shopping Center Legal Update
Just as automakers have used “miles-per-gallon” labels for years to advertise fuel efficiency, the real estate industry is now being pushed to use similar labels to become more transparent, energy-conscious and fuel-efficient.
In 2012,owners and operators of non-residential buildings in California, which are solely owner-occupied, or which contain a total floor area measuring 50,000 sq. ft. or more, must disclose the building’s U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Energy Star® Portfolio Manager benchmarking data and ratings for the most recent 12-month period to any prospec-tive buyer, lessee of the entire building or lender that proposes to finance the entire building. Read more…