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A Guide to the Evolving Executive Compensation Landscape

February 2018 - Bloomberg Law


A Guide to the Evolving Executive Compensation Landscape

February 2018 - Bloomberg Law

In A Guide to the Evolving Executive Compensation Landscape published by Bloomberg Law, Jayne Juvan and co-authors Ellen Grady and Bruce Dravis provide a comprehensive discussion of the regulatory regime applicable to compensation programs for corporate officers and directors. Executive compensation provides a valuable means to lure and retain talent and to provide an incentive for corporate management to perform in the best interest of shareholders, but as executive pay has increased, so has state and federal oversight of the compensation of corporate pay practices. This portfolio covers the complex and wide-ranging body of law governing executive pay, including the federal securities statutes, SEC regulations, the Internal Revenue Code and state corporate law. The Practice Tools include a sample compensation committee annual calendar, sample compensation committee action items and timelines, and a sample compensation committee charter.

The portfolio is available by subscription only and may be cited as Jayne E. Juvan et al., A Guide to the Evolving Executive Compensation Landscape, Corporate Practice Portfolio Series No. 110.


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