Firm News
Tucker Ellis Recognized among Top 50 Greater Cleveland Companies for Diversity and Inclusion Strategies
June 13, 2012

Firm News
Tucker Ellis Recognized among Top 50 Greater Cleveland Companies for Diversity and Inclusion Strategies
June 13, 2012
Tucker Ellis LLP has been recognized by the Greater Cleveland Partnership’s Commission on Economic Inclusion as one of the city’s top 50 companies (“Commission 50”) for its progress in creating, enhancing and sustaining its diversity and inclusion strategies.
Commission 50 is composed of 25 for profit and 25 nonprofit/government organizations selected by the Commission on Economic Inclusion based on their responses to the commission’s annual Employers Survey on DiversityTM. Scores are tabulated based on four metrics: board diversity; senior management diversity; workforce diversity; and supplier diversity. Those employers with the highest combined scores receive this distinguished designation.
“While we have more to do, we’re proud of the work we’ve accomplished in furthering our diversity strategies,” said Joe Morford, Managing Partner of Tucker Ellis. “We’re committed to fostering these initiatives because it’s the right thing to do. Our selection as part of Commission 50 confirms that we’re making strides toward a more inclusive and diverse culture.”
For more information on diversity initiatives at Tucker Ellis, please click here.