Firm News
Tucker Ellis Receives CMBA Green+ Certification
October 2012

Firm News
Tucker Ellis Receives CMBA Green+ Certification
October 2012
Tucker Ellis LLP is proud to announce that it has received the inaugural Green+ Certification from the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association (CMBA) for the years 2012-2014. The firm is one of only three Cleveland law firms to receive the award. The CMBA recognized Tucker Ellis at the David Webster Greener Way to Work Day on September 25, 2012.
A step above CMBA’s standard Green Certification, Green+ Certification requires that firms quantify their successes in implementing recycling programs, documenting reductions in energy and paper use, and encouraging environmental responsibility among staff.
“We’re proud to receive the inaugural Green+ Certification,” said Joe Morford, Tucker Ellis Managing Partner. “We have a dedicated Green Committee that continues to find ways for us to improve our relationship with the environment and to encourage all who work here at Tucker Ellis to be environmentally responsible.”
For more information on CMBA’s Green+ Certification program, click here.