Firm News
Tucker Ellis Receives 2021 AILA Chapter Pro Bono Champions Award
July 2021

Firm News
Tucker Ellis Receives 2021 AILA Chapter Pro Bono Champions Award
July 2021
The Ohio Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) has honored Tucker Ellis with its 2021 AILA Chapter Pro Bono Champions award. The award recognizes actions to promote justice and advocate for underserved members of the immigrant population, as well as an extraordinary commitment to providing pro bono assistance through various worthy initiatives.
Tucker Ellis is the only Ohio firm that received the honor. According to AILA, our pro bono attorneys routinely “go above and beyond”:
Tucker Ellis pro bono attorneys are expedient, accommodating, and treat their immigrant clients with the same dignity and professionalism they would extend any of their many powerful, distinguished clients. It has been plain to see that the attorneys truly enjoy working to improve the lives of immigrants in the community.
The Tucker Ellis Pro Bono Program is led by Christopher Caryl with the dedicated support of many of our lawyers, particularly Heather Bartzi. Read more on the AILA website here.