Firm News
SHRM Quotes Christine Snyder on Time-off Policies for Employees Who Fear Reporting for Work During COVID-19
April 2020

Firm News
SHRM Quotes Christine Snyder on Time-off Policies for Employees Who Fear Reporting for Work During COVID-19
April 2020
On April 20, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) quoted Christine Snyder on employer time-off policies and the rights of employees who are afraid to come to work during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Christine cautioned, “If an employer permits employees to use vacation or PTO [paid time off] for leave, it may soon find itself without a workforce sufficient to maintain operations. Therefore, an employer may want to rely upon the terms of its existing time-off policy, which typically requires approval to use vacation or PTO, to require that leave for this reason be unpaid.”
Read the article here.