Firm News
CIO Quotes Tod Northman on the Use of AI in Data Centers
December 2018

Firm News
CIO Quotes Tod Northman on the Use of AI in Data Centers
December 2018
On December 20, CIO quoted Tod Northman on the benefits of using AI in data center operations in “7 Things to Know About AI in the Data Center.” The article outlines what every IT leader needs to know about using AI to make a data center a more powerful and efficient facility.
Tod commented that “[b]ecause AI can process dramatically more information than a human or a team of humans, near instantaneously, an AI-directed system is more efficient and more reliable.” However, he doesn’t anticipate that humans will be removed entirely. “Managers’ roles in particular centers will be reduced … but humans will remain in the loop as a fail-safe.”
Read the article here.