Firm News
BTI Consulting Group Ranks Tucker Ellis an “AFA Distinguished Law Firm”
June 2020

Firm News
BTI Consulting Group Ranks Tucker Ellis an “AFA Distinguished Law Firm”
June 2020
On June 10, BTI Consulting Group (BTI) published “Clients Single Out 70 Law Firms Best at AFAs – and the 7 Reasons Why.” Surveying 600 law firms serving large and Fortune 1000 clients, top legal decision makers narrowed down the list to the 70 firms that do AFAs the best, ranking Tucker Ellis as an “AFA Distinguished Law Firm.”
According to BTI, there are seven reasons why law firms succeed at AFAs, including experience, trust, a streamlined approach, and tight project controls. “There’s nothing like certainty, a streamlined approach, and savings to make a law firm stand out.”
Read the article here.