Firm News
Ben Sassé Highlighted in Legally Speaking Ohio for “Elegant and Flawless” Argument Before Ohio Supreme Court
October 2019

Firm News
Ben Sassé Highlighted in Legally Speaking Ohio for “Elegant and Flawless” Argument Before Ohio Supreme Court
October 2019
Ben Sassé was highlighted in a recent post in Legally Speaking Ohio, the blog of Marianna Brown Bettman, Distinguished Teaching Professor and Professor of Practice Emerita at the University of Cincinnati College of Law. In “What’s On Their Minds: Should the Supreme Court of Ohio Update Its Analysis for Calculating Attorney Fees?”, Professor Bettman discusses the September 10 oral argument before the Supreme Court of Ohio in Phoenix Lighting Group LLC v. Genlyte Thomas Group LLC, 2018-1076. The case raises the question of whether the Court should revise its attorney fee jurisprudence by adopting guidance provided by the Supreme Court of the United States in Perdue v. Kenny A., ex rel. Winn, 559 U.S. 542 (2010).
In the blog section entitled “How It Looks from the Bleachers to Professor Emerita Bettman, the professor commented that “Mr. Sassé gave an elegant and flawless argument.”
Read her blog post here.