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Speaking Engagements

Scott Wilkov Speaks at OSBA Military Law and Litigation Seminar

November 29, 2023

Speaking Engagements

Scott Wilkov Speaks at OSBA Military Law and Litigation Seminar

November 29, 2023

On November 29, Scott Wilkov, chair of the Ohio State Bar Association’s (OSBA) Military & Veterans’ Affairs Committee, was a panelist at the OSBA Military Law and Litigation Seminar: Camp LeJeune Water and Military Housing Mold. In the live, interactive webinar, Scott and his co-panelists provided a high-level overview of the available options that military members, veterans, family members, Department of Defense Civilians, contractors, and others have to redress toxic exposure. Specific examples were given for exposure to toxic mold in military housing, contaminated drinking water at Camp LeJeune, and other military installations. They also discussed the differences between potential litigants’ options along with the ethical obligations that an attorney may need to consider when protecting potential clients’ rights.