Speaking Engagements
Jayne Juvan Discusses Force Majeure and Common Law Doctrines at ALI CLE
September 23, 2021

Speaking Engagements
Jayne Juvan Discusses Force Majeure and Common Law Doctrines at ALI CLE
September 23, 2021
On September 22, Jayne Juvan spoke at an ALI CLE webcast, “Force Majeure and Common Law Doctrines in the COVID Aftermath: Litigation Strategies and Drafting Solutions.” The program was designed for both commercial litigators and transactional lawyers grappling with force majeure issues in today’s shifting environment. Faculty highlighted areas where force majeure interpretation and enforcement is expanding, contracting, or staying the same, as well as how force majeure and related litigation landscapes should influence drafting contract clauses for new and changing transactions.