Client Alerts
Supreme Court of Ohio Reaffirms (Again) Robinson v. Bates; Rules that Trial Errors Deprived Physician of Fair Trial
October 2013

Client Alerts
Supreme Court of Ohio Reaffirms (Again) Robinson v. Bates; Rules that Trial Errors Deprived Physician of Fair Trial
October 2013
For the third time in seven years, the Supreme Court of Ohio has addressed the admissibility of “write-off” evidence—i.e., evidence showing the amount a healthcare provider accepts as full payment for medical care provided as opposed to the amount billed. And despite creative arguments by the plaintiffs’ bar to the contrary, the Supreme Court in Moretz v. Muakkassa, Slip Opinion 2013-Ohio-4656, upheld for the third time the admissibility of write-off evidence. Read the Client Alert here.
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